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Move-On Magazine
Agenda des Sorties Culturelles
Pacifica • Gabriel Kröger • Mad Rush / Supersonic (Free entry)
Infos pratiques
le Vendredi 8 Décembre 2023, 19:00 - 23:30
SUPERSONIC /// 9 Rue Biscornet 75012 Paris
75012 Paris

Cette soirée plaira aux fans de... Wet Leg, The Voidz & Wolf Alice

Pacifica • Gabriel Kröger • Mad Rush / Supersonic (Free entry)
Concert // Pop / Rock / Folk
Pacifica // Mad Rush // Gabriel Kröger

08-12-2023 de 19:00 à 23:30

Pacifica • Gabriel Kröger • Mad Rush / Supersonic (Free entry)

Cette soirée plaira aux fans de... Wet Leg, The Voidz & Wolf Alice

PACIFICA (22h30)
(Indie rock - Buenos Aires, ARG)
Pacifica is a musical duo formed by two friends who met through their love of rock. Theystarted out making YouTube cover versions of 2000s rock anthems, mainly by The Strokes.Although their chemistry feels like that of two childhood friends, the pair met for the first timein 2021 after a mutual follower suggested they play a song together.
Shortly after that, they started playing live shows. A fan of their covers offered them twotickets for a Strokes show in New York City in December 2021, and so, with a few doubtsbut a lot of excitement, the girls hopped on a one way trip. Since they were in the city, theytook the opportunity to play in classic venues like The Bitter End and Arlene’s Grocery. Inone of those shows, they caught the eye of an indie LA label.
Pacifica returned to Argentina with a record deal offer, more fans than before, and amission: to write, produce and record their debut album. With that in mind, they kept theirmusic to themselves for a year, still using social media but stepping back from live showsuntil they could play original songs they were proud of.
In April 2023 they released their first single, “With or Without You”, followed by “Anita” inMay and “Premature Rejection” in July; all of which got great engagement from theiraudience and press, getting good reviews in media such as Rolling Stone, Billboard, etc.During this time they also locked in their first appearance at a big festival, Primavera Sound.
“Freak Scene”, their debut LP, was released on September 29th, and Pacifica is already working on their first tour of cities throughout the world to present it. The record encompasses avariety of sounds, from garage-rock to more sweet pop music. It shows that it’s music madeby music fans with the intention of being fans of their own music. Pacifica introduces themselves to the world as a rock band you won’t be able to forget.
FFO / Si vous aimez : The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys

(Folk alternatif – Essone, FR)
« Gabriel Kröger est un auteur-compositeur-interprète originaire de banlieue parisienne. Dans un style qui croise folk alternative, rock indé et productions lo-fi, et fidèle à un esprit DIY, chaque morceau semble à la limite du journal intime.
Les paroles, parfois crues, parfois teintées d’humour noir, touchent souvent jusqu’aux recoins de notre psyché qu’on aimerait garder cachés, avec une aisance déconcertante. »
FFO / Si vous aimez : Feu! Chatterton, Pinegrove

MAD RUSH (20h30)
(Rock alternatif - Paris, FR)
MAD RUSH est un groupe de rock indépendant fondé par Clément Frétault et Ilann Hafid pendant la crise sanitaire. Après un an et demi d'enregistrement et de préparation, la formation s'est lancée fin janvier 2022 avec la sortie d'un premier EP intitulé "Magna Carta".
Leurs influences fluctuent entre Them Crooked Vultures, Radiohead ou Led Zeppelin, désireux d'alterner entre rythme acoustique féroce, riff saturé et mélodie folks envoûtantes.
FFO / Si vous aimez : Radiohead - Them Crooked Vultures - Led Zeppelin
Vendredi 8 Décembre 2023
Entrée gratuite
• Ouverture des portes à 19h00
• Happy Hour de 19h à 20h
• Si vous êtes témoin ou victime d’une agression, vous pouvez alerter le personnel du bar ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez nous écrire à cette adresse:
9 rue Biscornet, 75012 Paris
Métro Bastille (sortie rue de lyon)

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